USB ALL IN ONE STICK 3.0 (x86/x64)

Diposting oleh obligos Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

                                       USB ALL IN ONE STICK 3.0 (x86/x64) | 15.7 GB


Multiboot USB flash drive contains:

HARDWARE - GRUB4DOS submenu contains:
PLOPdriver - Download flash mode USB2.0 (for slow loading)
MBRTools - DOS utility to work with MBR
Memtest, Victoria, MHDD
BIOS - BIOS Password Reset

Windows New - Sub on Win8 bootloader contains:
PEComplex - WinPE 4.0 with tools, a network, a large set of programs to restore the system after the collapse of
Windows 8 - Installing Windows 8 Enterprise 86x64 originals and lightweight with updates and Net Framework
Windows 7 - Installing Windows 7SP1 Ultimate 86x64 originals and lightweight with updates and Net Framework
is present in the distribution container VHD Windows 8 Boot and add to the boot loader will add zapis.pri W8 make sure you have free space on the entrance diske.posle enable EWF
Lite version of Lopatkina B.N
WindowsXP submenu 2 points
WindowsXP - Installing WindowsXP SP3 TE. Ability to install XP from ISO NOT in memory! Mode copies the entire installation from the CD! (On reboot select that same item, first click Press any key ....)
Load in memory - loading the image into memory, if the first option is not passed

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